Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week #12 challenge - Create a Coupon Binder. (4/17/2011)

Believe it or not ...I have tried all 3 methods of organizing. I can't honestly tell you which one has work best.

METHOD 1 - Index Card File
I started off just with a little index card file box I had gotten on sale at probably Walgreens for like $0.39. I used index cards because of their thickness and cut the tops like a manilla folder would be for a tab. I labeled them by just simple writing what categories I thought might would help me remember where I put specific ones. The I realized that some of the coupons were taller than the index cards. So then what I did was taped a piece of masking tape doubled over to form like a "pull-tab" so I could see where the different sections were. This lasted a long time and I am thinking about doing some sort of combination method

METHOD 2 - Binder with Baseball Card Holders
I can tell you this method did not last very long. Although this sounds great, I am not one to be all "prettiful and/or glamourous". So with that being said, my binder was just the average generic brand 1 inch or so with baseball card inserts (that I just happened to get on sale at Staples when I decided to do it). Yes I would admit the poly dividers are much more durable than the paper dividers but poly ones are expensive. If you are careful, using the paper dividers are great. This one did not last very long because I don't have that much time to do "coupon origami" to make all different sizes of coupons fit into a small holder. I was however able to see all my coupons and know what I had.

METHOD 3 - "No Clip" & Print Off Reference Sheet

This is what I call it. Some other sites call it the File Method. You are basically just printing the sheet from a website like or another person's blog where they have copied and posted the list and then paper clipping it to the proper insert. I use an accordion type poly folder that has 8or 12 pockets. It works for what I need. I got it from Big Lots a while back. (This site lists all the coupons that could possibly be in your Sunday newspaper insert with coupons. This does not mean all of the coupons that are listed are going to be in your paper because some are regional and that is just how the companies do things.

When I used to print the list I tried to go behind them (because the coupons are listed in alphabetical form usually) and put them by expiration date. I soon found this to more trouble and just printed the alphabetically. Then I grab a highlighter and go through my inserts and highlight the ones I have and change the values to reflect the coupons I have been sent. Also if there were ones that weren't included in the list as well.

When I trade or send someone coupons from these print-offs, I try to write the name beside the coupon and strikethrough it to know that is is no longer in the insert.

I have come to like this particular method because it shows me what was sent to begin with, do i still have it or was it traded, and when it expires so I know when to clip it. The only thing about it though is that I feel as if I do not clip it and have it in my box then I don't really know if do have them (yes mixed emotions lol).

METHOD 4 - The Combo: "No Clip" & Print Off Reference Sheet/Baby Wipes Box
I must credit this idea to my dearest coupon friend Cindy of Summerville. She was the first(that I have seen)that uses the baby wipes box for holding her coupons. It is a wonderful storage for the short regular size coupons or the rather long rectangular one. But Cindy you get the Kudos for it;)!

(as you can see i tried to create a lid holder on..with duct tape. It lasted a while lol.)

I say this method may actually work.
  1. Print your usual preview list off and highlight the coupons you were sent for each insert.
  2. Cut out all of the coupons and organize how you normally would.
  3. If you use, trade, or give to someone else just mark it like you would in METHOD 3.
  4. Using your lists you can accurately have your baby wipes box up-to-date with the most recent coupons from your inserts.
This method will only work with the inserts or coupon booklets that get sent out or you pick up at the stores.
As for tearpads, blinkies, peelies, and Catalinas you may need to devise your own system. For this you may want to use a site called (HCW). It is completely free to sign up. All you need is an email address and password. This website acutally has a huge database that you can search through and make lists of coupons. Their lists consist of "Have", "Keep", and "Wish". This way instead of typing all day the ladies at HCW have done a great job in simplifying the process in being able to post a link to your page where your "Have" and "Wish" are posted. Any time you update either, anyone that clicks your link will get the updated version. For example here is my link to my lists : .You do not have to be a member to see click it and see what it is all about:).

How other people organize their coupons:
Money Saving Mom
Frugal Coupon Living
I Heart CVS
Passionate Penny Pincher
Life As I See It
Adventures in Savings: Adventures in Organzing Coupons & Adventures in Savings: My Coupon Categories
Stylish Saving in the Capital District
Common Sense with Money, Living Well for Less
 The Modern Saver
Where My Heart Is: How I Organize Coupons
A Spirited Mind: New Coupon Strategy
Mrs.Money Saver
Mommy Managing
A Visit With Grammy
I am Totally That Mom
Green Bay Savers
Joy in the Burbs
$pend Less 2 $ave More
Love 2 Shop & Save
The Coupon Addiction
Green Stew
Roly Poly
Mom Saves
The Frugal Homeschooling Mom
The Kings